Finding Your Joyful Heart: A Method to Mitigate Chronic Pain
Finding Your Joyful Heart: A Method to Mitigate Chronic Pain By Dr. Wayne Phimister Dr. Wayne Phimister discusses how by focusing on your joyful heart, whether it’s expression to someone else, affirmation in your head, or writing in a joyful journal, can help with chronic pain. Phimister urges educators of chronic pain to remind patients […]
Whales & Dolphins, their “Place” on Earth & How they Support Us All
Whales & Dolphins, their “Place” on Earth & How they Support Us All By Melinda Meszaros PhD and Mahalia Michael Founder of the Academy of Brain Bliss “Whales and dolphins fascinate us. They can be playful or majestic, but above all else, they are mysterious. We have a deep connection to them, and they have […]
WHAT IS DNA LIGHT UP? – the sense and the science behind it. By Melanie Pledger An experiential coaching system that makes a profound difference in just three simple sessions? That’s a big claim to make! So exactly how does DNA Light Up make such a lasting difference in such a short space of time? […]
Accunect SelfCare Energy Healing
Accunect SelfCare Energy Healing By Sarah Chave I love teaching Self Care! It is a beautiful routine to learn that is effective in improving health and only takes a few minutes to do each day once you know how. It incorporates the organs and their energy pathways from a Chinese Medicine point of view and […]
Learn how Ancestral Healing can change your life
Learn How Ancestral Healing Can Change Your Life By Heather Prince Do you feel under pressure to find a partner? Society, family and friends set expectations on us to follow certain patterns. Meet someone by a certain age, marry and have children. But what if this doesn’t happen for you? In the case of Hazel, […]
Unrecognized Grief
Unrecognized Grief: its impact on our life and the solution for it By Birgitte Tan In the video interview (shared below) with Sara Jane from Gift of Healing TV, Dr. Birgitte Tan explains that grief is not just something that we experience when faced with “The Three D’s: Death, Divorce, and Dire Diagnosis.” Grief is […]
Whose Responsibility is it?
Whose Responsibility is it? Your Life, Your Health, Your Success The Universe Responds to the Energies You put out By Sara Jane What were you thinking as you read the title and then sub-titles of this article? Where did your thoughts take you? Who do you think is responsible for your life, health & success? […]
Life is a Rainbow ~ Value Your Story
Life is a Rainbow ~ Value Your Story By Sara Jane On 4th January 2017 I interviewed Janine Savient, one of the founders of The Global Rising Summit, about the summit and how it had come about. While she was sharing a little of her story (something I ask all my guests to do), Janine talked […]
The Myth of “Selfish” Exploded
The Myth of “Selfish” Exploded By Sara Jane STOP, take a deep breath, exhale and clear your mind. Let go of all distractions, switch off your phone, the television and your computer. Be still, just be in the Now. Yes, by doing this you are taking time for yourself, time to re-charge your batteries. Is […]
Affirmations ~ The Magic of “I Am”
Affirmations ~ The Magic of “I Am” David McLeod David McLeod is an international speaker/facilitator on the subjects of conscious self-creation and shadow mastery. As a coach who works with individuals and groups, David shares his passion in supporting the creation and maintenance of powerful, spiritually-rewarding relationships for everyone. David is the founder the […]