Sharing Other Resources
Gift of Healing TV has connected with other like minded people and website owners who have agreed to share links to each others pages, thus creating a wider and more varied resource list for you to explore and discover all the wonderful Health & Wellbeing Techniques & Practitioners that are out there.

Sara Jane is the Founder of Gift of Healing TV and the Creator of Vocal Reiki, You can learn more about Vocal Reiki HERE

Heather Prince Spiritual Life Coach: with my varied experience, expertise & passion, I support people to live to their highest potential. I have experienced the highs and lows of relationships, the importance of a work life balance, faced my fears & ultimately valuing myself enough choosing to live my life in technicolor! Learn more HERE

Yosiji’s music is for relaxation, meditation & dis-covering our Real Nature.He studied composition & writes contemporary classical music for various instruments and& vocalists, ensembles, wind and& symphony orchestras. Currently he is focusing on music for (guided) meditation & relaxation in the service of our Awakening: dis-covering our True Nature, our Timeless Being.
You can learn more about Yosiji on his Website & Yosiji’s YouTube Channel
Jos has created a video of one of my spoken and one sung Soul Wisdom Messages, you can Listen & Watch in the video below.

Midlife Love Out Loud is your one-stop-love-shop where single women gather to call in the love of a lifetime. There are reasons love seems so elusive and difficult at this stage of life.
Together, we will not only explore why you hold yourself back in the love realm, you will learn powerful tools to breakthrough the glass ceiling and experience a whole new love story.
Learn more HERE

Life Mastery TV, a constantly growing library of resources for helping you to enhance and improve all areas of your life.
You can participate in live free episodes with your host, David McLeod, and all kinds of amazing guests. These episodes air on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 11:00AM Mountain Time. All you have to do is pre-register up to 14 days in advance, and then join the webinar when it plays live.
Check it out HERE
Disclaimer: Gift of Healing TV and it’s owners cannot be held responsible for information shared on any of the above websites. If you do have any issues, please contact them in the first instance but let us know so that we may make a judgement as to whether we continue to share ~ Thank you