Patricia Iris Kerins Replays

Spiritual Question Time: Power Purpose & Passion

Patricia, Bill Kerins & Sara Jane

Harmonising and Aligning your 4 Body System with Sound

Patricia Iris Kerins

Spiritual Question Time: How to Power the Planet up with Love

Patricia, Bill Kerins & Sara Jane

Messages From The Heart

Patricia & Her Guest Janine Savient

Balancing the Elements Within

Patricia Iris Kerins
Heart Meditation + Mystical Messages form the Christed Ones
Patricia Iris Kerins

Resurrection with Mary Magdalene Presence

Patricia Iris Kerins
Series Banner June'16

Improving the relationship you have with your significant other - in your life or not - mystical tips

Patricia Iris Kerins

Improving the Relationship you have with Finances - Miraculous Tips

Patricia Iris Kerins

Improving the Relationship you have with Yourself - Magical Tips

Patricia Iris Kerins

Mindful to Heart Full Meditation

Patricia Iris Kerins

How To Announce Your Invocations with VIVA Love Healing

Patricia Iris Kerins

Back to Basics with VIVA Love Healing

Patricia Iris Kerins
Sound Vibration and Heart Resonance Banner
Manifest an Abundant Life! Including a powerful hypno/visualisation to help you
Patricia Iris Kerins
Learn how to cleanse & clear your DNA of dysfunctional aspects using the power of your own voice.
Patricia Iris Kerins
Meditation and Visualisation are they really good for you and what is the difference?
Patricia Iris Kerins

Wanting to be the best speaker and performer you can be???

Patricia Iris Kerins
Patricia interviews Laura Topper, musician, singer/songwriter & inspirational speaker
Laura Topper

Creating peace in our world. Peace is an inside job!!

Patricia Iris Kerins

Didgeridoo Healing

Chris Thorn

Learn how to balance your chakras with your own sound

Patricia Iris Kerins

4 Top Tips to De-stress with Patricia

Patricia Iris Kerins

An Interview with Patricia Iris Kerins

Patricia Iris Kerins

An Interview with Helen Wilson

Helen Wilson
An Interview with Musician/Artist David from Samadhi Soundscapes

LOVE POWER – what is it????

Patricia Iris Kerins

The Power of Voicing Love

Patricia Iris Kerins

The Goddess, Mary Magdalene & her Mystical Messages

Patricia Iris Kerins